Protect your wheelchair and mobility scooter from theft

Wheelchairs and mobility scooters give their users a freedom and independence that they may be otherwise denied. Wheelchair and mobility scooter theft is not only common, it’s on the rise. These heartless thefts create nightmares for those who rely on them.
South Australia police offer some great tips for safeguarding your wheelchair or mobility scooter from theft. Read more here.
You can also hide a GPS tracker somewhere on your mobility aid. This will help police to locate it if stolen.
Consider investing in an alarm or locks when your mobility as a deterrent to would be thieves.
Find out from the supplier where your serial number is located. Check whether you supplier keeps a record of purchaser contacts, mobility aid description and serial number.
Take photos of your mobility aid from different angles.
Store your photos together with details of your mobility aids such as:
- unique features (colour, improvements you’ve made, decorative markings etc),
- the serial number
- evidence of purchase
- copy of your insurance policy
We suggest that you store all of your vital information securely in a chest on Secure My Treasures. You can then authorize a trustee to access it if any emergency, accident or if you can’t. Your trustee could be a partner, family member, carer etc
Learn more:
How to Secure Your Electric Scooter from Theft. (Accessed 9 September 2024)