Everyone needs an Advance Care Plan

Your Advance Care Plan documents your preferences for health care in the future, say, when or if, you are seriously ill and not able to make these decisions yourself. Unfortunately, only about one third of us have an advanced care directive documented in a health record. That means for roughly 60% of us, no one knows our near end of life wishes, leaving families and your health care team in a potentially, invidious position.
Everyone needs an advance care plan because none of us know what might happen in the future.
You can create your own advanced care plan. Store it in My Health Record so that your health care provider can immediately access it in an emergency.
You should also store your Advance Care Plan in your chest on Secure My Treasures together with your MyValues profile. Developed by Barwon Health in Victoria MyValues helps your medical team and family to understand and respect your values if you are not able to speak for yourself.
Authorise up three trustees to access your Advance Care Plan and your MyValues profile of values from your Secure My Treasures chest in an emergency. That way your most trusted loved ones will know and understand your wishes and values. And, you may also help to save time and angst for the health professionals who are taking care of you.
Look to Advance Care Planning Australia for guidance and support and forms to create your plan. You can also access information on voluntary assisted dying.
Advance care planning explained. Advance Care Planning Australia
https://www.advancecareplanning.org.au/understand-advance-care-planning/advance-care-planning-explained (Accessed 1 Jun 2022)
Australian Government. myGov. Advance care planning https://my.gov.au/en/services/health-and-disability/being-diagnosed-with-a-medical-condition-or-disability/being-diagnosed-with-a-terminal-illness/advance-care-planning Accessed 4 July 2024
digitalhealth.gov.au Advance care planning My health record https://www.digitalhealth.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/my-health-record/whats-inside/advance-care-planning (Accessed 9 July 2024)